Last weekend I started rotating out my summer and lightweight options and going through my fall items when I noticed that I don't have a good pair of khaki pants to get me through the winter. All of my options are lightweight fabrics that are best left for the warmer months. So this weekend, I am on the hunt. My husband is interested in doing a little fall wardrobe shopping himself, but I need to do some recognizance because he will want to hit four stores...J. Crew, Macy's, Levi's, and the Gap and then head home. If he finds items that work, super. If he doesn't, game over. That's not exactly how I work. I can't come home empty-handed. As such, early research for possibilities is crucial.

City Fit Watson Pant - $59.50

Straight Leg Pant - $54.50

St. John's Bay Boot Cut Pants - $40.00

Docker's Iconic Fit Pant - $40.00

Yaya Aflalo Miller Pants - $119.99